Sudden Illnesses and Injuries
For sudden illness and injury while you are in Japan, you can call an ambulance by dialing 119. If you need help explaining the disease/injury in Japanese, ask someone nearby who speaks Japanese for assistance.
Calling an ambulance is free of charge for the time being, but the medical treatment is not free. If you are a resident of Japan, be sure to bring your health insurance card with you. If you are temporarily staying in Japan, on business or travel, taking out travel insurance before coming to Japan is strongly advised.
If you need help deciding whether to go to the hospital or call an ambulance, refer to the Tokyo Emergency Medical Service Guide (Tokyo EMS Guide). This guide offers helpful tips and advice for handling the situation effectively.
Tokyo Emergency Medical Service Guide (Tokyo EMS Guide)
Japanese phrase samples to call an ambulance.
きゅうびょうにん が います。きゅうきゅうしゃ を おねがいします。
Kyu byou desu. Kyu-kyu-sha wo onegai shimasu
Here is a sick person witha sudden illness. I need an ambulance.
Kega-nin ga imasu. Kyu-kyu-sha wo onegai shimasu
Here is an injured person. I need an ambulance.
Namae wa ......... desu.
The name of the sick (or injured) person is …….
Jyusho to denwa-bangou wo iimasu. Jyusho wa ………desu. Denwa-bango wa ………desu.
Let me give you the address here and the telephone number for contact, please.
The address is ………………….
The telephone number is ………………….
Holiday/Night Emergency Clinics
If you suddenly become ill or injured, with symptoms that are treatable on an outpatient basis, medical treatment is offered on Sundays, national holidays, and during the year-end/New Year holidays. For children, initial emergency medical care is also available on weeknights.
To find detailed information on clinics that offer emergency medical care, go and ask the local government office in the city where you live (or stay).
In case you are not sure if you should call an ambulance, telephone #7119 or search with #7119 on a search engine to find advice.
Tokyo Fire Department
Medical Institution Information Service
(Japanese / English / Chinese / Korean)
This web site allows you to search the medical institution nearest you. You can also find information on a particular hospital you wish to go to, such as medical departments, clinic hours, available languages, and the name of the hospitals.
AMDA International Medical Information Center
AMDA provides information on the Japanese medical, welfare, and insurance systems for foreign nationals so that they can receive the same appropriate medical services as the Japanese.
What AMDA offers are;
- Introduction to medical facilities and practitioners
- Information on the Japanese medical, welfare, and insurance systems.
- Free Medical Referrals
Supported in 9 languages