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Last updated: Dec.01.2022 | Japanese

Kokusai Koryu Center
International Friendship Centers

Find a place to escape for your emotional health

Tokyo has "International Exchange Centers," operated by non-profit organizations. They provide places where non-Japanese-speaking residents in Tokyo can interact with each other through cultural exchange programs. These centers are also the places that can support you when you feel lonely.

Feel down? It may be from a weather change.

Climate change affects our health condition physically and even emotionally, leading to depression. You are not the only one who feels emotionally unstable and somehow gloomy without any reason, sometimes during the change of seasons, after the consecutive holidays in May and the rainy season in June. Those in Japan who have come from abroad should especially be aware of the risk during that time of the year, as stresses from language problems at school/work and differences in lifestyle may have piled up unconsciously. They may need a "place to escape" with mental health in mind, but where to? One option is International Friendship Centers or Kokusai Koryu Center.

International Friendship Center is a place to make foreign residents feel at ease.

International Friendship Centers are fundamentally places to encourage people to create friendships internationally through cultural exchange programs. Tokyo has those facilities dotted around the prefecture, where people can enjoy various cultural exchange events and experience programs. Although there are differences in the programs provided at each facility, they all support offering a place to feel at ease for foreign residents in Tokyo. The programs include such as tea ceremonies and kimono (yukata) dressing experiences, allowing participants to learn a part of Japanese culture with fun. In the cooking lesson for international food, you will experience cross-cultural exchange with new friends worldwide.

Learn Japanese at the friendship center.

Language barriers are always a concern for non-Japanese-speaking people in Japan. Thankfully, most international friendship centers offer Japanese lessons operated by volunteers. Although the classes are not like curriculums provided by language schools, trained volunteers will be by your side to teach you how to speak Japanese in a free-talking style. The teachers of different ages will answer any questions about Japan that make you wonder or confused in daily living. Also, making new friends in the class will be emotionally supportive. The friends who came to Japan from other countries will empathize with you and encourage you when you feel down.

If you are interested in the Japanese classes, why not find the international friendship center in your area and visit there to ask about the lessons 日本語教室 (Nihongo-kyoushitsu). The lessons are offered in different systems at each facility. Some of them have fixed sessions that accept applications only a few times a year, and some others are always welcome to join throughout the year.

International Friendship Centers (Associations) in Tokyo

1. 中央区文化・国際交流振興協会
Chuo Cultural and International Exchange Association


2. 港区国際交流協会
Minatoku International Association


3. 公益財団法人 品川区国際友好協会
Shinagawa International Friendship Association


4. 公益財団法人 目黒区国際交流協会
Megro International Friendship Association


5. 荒川区国際交流協会
Arakawa International Communications


6. 一般財団法人 国際都市おおた協会
Global City Ota Cooperation Association


7. 中野区国際交流協会(ANIC)
Association Nakano International Communications


8. 一般財団法人 杉並区交流協会
Suginami Association for CuluralExchange


9. 公益財団法人 板橋区文化・国際交流財団
Itabashi City culture and information on a International Exchange foundation


10. 特定非営利活動法人 八王子国際協会
NPO Hachioji International Association


11. 公益財団法人 武蔵野市国際交流協会
Musashino International Association


12. 公益財団法人 三鷹国際交流協会
Mitaka International Society for HOsPitality


13. 調布市国際交流協会
Chofu International Friendship Association


14. 一般財団法人 町田市文化・国際交流財団
Machida International Center


15. 小平市国際交流協会
Kodaira International Friendship Association


16. 日野市国際交流協会
Hino City International Friendship Association


17. 東村山市国際友好協会
Higashimurayama City International Friendship Association


18. 国分寺市国際協会
The Kokubunji International Association


19. 狛江市国際交流協会
Komae International Friendship Association


20. 多摩市国際交流センター
Tama City International Center


21. せたがや国際交流センター
Setagaya Intercultural Center


Nihongo Help

Excuse me, May I ask about the Japanese lesson here?
日本語教室について 知りたいのですか。
にほんごきょうしつについて しりたいのですが。)

Where can I join the class?
どこで 参加 できますか?
(どこで さんか できますか?)

When can I join the class?
いつ 参加 できますか?
(いつ さんか できますか?)

May I have information on the schedule and tuition?
日程 と 授業料を 教えていただけますか?
(にってい と じゅぎょうりょう を おしえて いただけますか?)

How can I enroll in the class?
申込方法 を 教えて ください。
(もうしこみ ほうほう を おしえて ください。)

I can't decide now. So, maybe I will come back again.
(いま は きめられないので また きます。)

Thank you very much. (Smile)
(ありがとう ございました。)

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